Sell Your House


Regardless of your situation, if your house qualifies and you are flexible on price and terms, we can help. The more information you give us, the more options we can give you.

Venda Su Casa

¿Tiene usted una casa que no quiere y necesita venderla rápido?

Sin importar su situación, si su casa califica y usted es flexible en precio y términos,

Your Contact Information

${ errors.first('first_name') }
${ errors.first('last_name') }
${ errors.first('day_phone') }
${ errors.first('nite_phone') }

Your Situation

Your Property Information

${ errors.first('address1') }
${ errors.first('city') }

Price & Terms

Please provide information about any existing financing you have on the property.

1st Mortgage

2nd Mortgage

3rd Mortgage

Su Información de Contacto

${ errors.first('first_name') }
${ errors.first('last_name') }
${ errors.first('day_phone') }
${ errors.first('nite_phone') }

Su Situación

Información Sobre su Propiedad

${ errors.first('address1') }
${ errors.first('city') }

Precio & Terminos

1ra Hipoteca

2da Hipoteca

3ra Hipoteca

Check Out Our Cash Reward Program

Credit Restoration

P Anderson

Mr. Musick has been a blessing to our family.

When our parents reached an age where they need to move in with us, we began renting the family home.  This turned out not working very well for us so we decided to sell.  We needed to remove the renters, which turned out to be quite a problem.

Mr. Musick was able to help us find the right legal help and we were able to get our house back.  He then offered us a fair price and bought the house.

Mr Musick has been a blessing to our family.  He remodeled the house and found a nice young couple to live there.  Our family home is now being put to good use. 

P Anderson Glade Spring, VA